Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Film

                So my senior year is starting in August and I feel like I really want to push my abilities as a filmmaker, so I have decided that I will be making an hour long fiction over the course of the next year. The story is one that I have had in my head for about three to four years now and have never had the opportunity to do anything with. I do not have a script written and don’t want to give too much away just yet, but the story is about a man tricked by death himself into immortality. So far the response on campus to my idea has been greater than I had expected. After discussing it with the media professors I had gotten the go ahead on the project and given four college credits to complete it. Also many of the media students who I have worked with on various other film projects were enthralled by the idea and have joined my film crew in the hopes of making this film a reality. After a short time of passing the idea around the different talented media students at the college, I had begun to write the script. After about 2 and a half scenes I realized that I am not a screen writer. So thus began my search for a playwright. I asked for and read many sample scripts trying to look for a script that was both done well and written in the sort of style my team and I were looking for. Eventually I had gotten a hold of one of our theater professors at the college who was the play writing professor. After talking to him for a short while he had told me that he had wanted to get both his actors and writers more film experience, but just had not had the opportunity. He was excited to hear about my film and the fact that I wanted to use both a writer and actors from the theater department for my film. He dropped several names of different writers that had thoroughly impressed him during the last few years and actually even invited our team to join them at the theater auditions so that we could choose our cast without having to call our own auditions. I was sure to accept the offer quick because we have a very well developed theater program and many actors attend their auditions. As far as writers, there was one name that he had dropped that I had heard before from other acting majors as well as my assistant director. His name was Ben Hertel, and I had been told that he was very good and had recently written a 45 minute one act. My assistant director had both seen the one act and read it by the time I got a copy of the script and advised me that it was exactly what we were looking for. I quickly set up a meeting with Ben and read the script before we met. After I explained my idea to him his exact response was “That is extremely writable,” with a large grin on his face. So now I have a film team and a playwright. I plan to get a script written before school starts in August as well as a shooting order. I am working out a lot of the rest of the preproduction stuff now and will keep you updated on its progress.  

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